KAWAKAWA, Use for Eczema, broken skin, dry skin, flakey skin, gout, arthritis, rhuematism, piles, sore feet, cracked heels, sunburn, cuts, abrasions, bruisingm, sports injuries, help healing after bone breaks, achilles tendons, joint pain, muscle tension, sprains, repititive strain injuries etc
KAWAKAWA, Use for Eczema, broken skin, dry skin, flakey skin, gout, arthritis, rhuematism, piles, sore feet, cracked heels, sunburn, cuts, abrasions, bruisingm, sports injuries, help healing after bone breaks, achilles tendons, joint pain, muscle tension, sprains, repititive strain injuries etc
KAWAKAWA, excellent massage medium. Use for Eczema, broken skin, dry skin, flakey skin, gout, arthritis, rhuematism, piles, sore feet, cracked heels, sunburn, cuts, abrasions, bruisingm, sports injuries, help healing after bone breaks, achilles tendons, joint pain, muscle tension, sprains, repititive strain injuries etc
KAWAKAWA ECZEMA BALM KAWAKAWA, This balm is the eczema skin balm inclusive of kawakawa. So soothing on the senses and skin as well as the healing properties of the kawakawa . Use for Eczema, broken skin, dry skin, flakey skin, gout, arthritis, rhuematism, piles, sore feet, cracked heels, sunburn, cuts, abrasions, bruising, sports injuries, help healing after bone breaks, achelles tendons, joint pain, muscle tension, sprains, repetitive strain injuries etc
KAWAKAWA OINTMENT. emulsifying ointment greasy texture great for young children suffering from dry skin, excellent for dry skin on feet and cracked heels Use for Eczema, broken skin, dry skin, flakey skin, gout, arthritis, rhuematism, piles, sore feet, cracked heels, sunburn, cuts, abrasions, bruisingm, sports injuries, help healing after bone breaks, achilles tendons, joint pain, muscle tension, sprains, repititive strain injuries etc
KAWAKAWA/EUCALYPTUS the eucalyptus gives an added extra in aiding respiratory ailments, colds and flu, excellent massage medium. Use for Eczema, broken skin, dry skin, flakey skin, gout, arthritis, rhuematism, piles, sore feet, cracked heels, sunburn, cuts, abrasions, bruisingm, sports injuries, help healing after bone breaks, achilles tendons, joint pain, muscle tension, sprains, repititive strain injuries etc
KAWAKAWA LIP BALM soothing on windburnt lips, dry cracked lips cold sores. can slso be used on cuts and abrasions etc when in an emergency all the same properties as kawakawa balm
KAWAKAWA SALVE, excellent for gardening hands and very dry cracked feet. is made from emollient salve. Use for Eczema, broken skin, dry skin, flakey skin, gout, arthritis, rheumatism, piles, sore feet, cracked heels, sunburn, cuts, abrasions, bruising, sports injuries, help healing after bone breaks, achilles tendons, joint pain, muscle tension, sprains, repetitive strain injuries etc
KAWAKAWA, excellent massage medium eucalyptus givea an added extra in aiding respiratory ailments, colds and flu. Use for Eczema, broken skin, dry skin, flakey skin, gout, arthritis, rhuematism, piles, sore feet, cracked heels, sunburn, cuts, abrasions, bruisingm, sports injuries, help healing after bone breaks, achilles tendons, joint pain, muscle tension, sprains, repititive strain injuries etc